Welcome to Shenzhen Fibert Technology Co., Ltd.

  • 86 19830745818
  • sales@fibertai.com
Language 中文 English
FAQCurrent location: Home > FAQ
Can I refuse to accept the product once it is found to have problems?
Upon receipt of the goods, if the goods are found to be damaged, please reject them and return them ...
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Are credit card installments supported? how to apply?
Our company currently does not support credit card installment payments. If you have special require...
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Does the cash on delivery support credit card for door-to-door delivery? Can I mention it on weekends?
Home delivery, cash on delivery support credit card payment, cash. Our business hours are 9:00-18:00...
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Can the purchase be invoiced? If the company purchases, can I issue a VAT invoice?
The price you purchase is not tax-free, and the invoice required by the customer needs to be taxed
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About Us
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Data center and server
5G bearer and LTE forward Transmission
Transmission and access network
Company news
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Supercomputing and data center
Server and network security
5G network and LTE forwarding
Transmission network
Access network

Wechat number


302, Building A, Qinye Business Center, Jingbei Industrial Park, Zone 82, Xin 'an Street, Bao 'an District, Shenzhen


86 19830745818

